It’s a camp about natural resources and how we humans use and care about wood and resources. The camp went from Oct 3rd to 4th, 2011. We went to beautiful Gwilliam Lake with around 20 students accompanied by Mrs. Ma and Mr. Mayer from School District #60. We participated in 6 workshops. In the workshops we learned about the animals which live in the forest and forest health as well as silver-culture. It was very interesting and we learned a lot.
We played cards and talked a lot, some of the people may have even found their dream jobs!. In the evening, we came together on a big campfire and some people warmed up in the sauna.
We woke up on the second day and enjoyed a big pancake breakfast (Thanks to the crew in the kitchen) and then we started with our final workshops. At the end of our camp we got some t-shirts before we started back to school.
By Lisa Pilgrim