• How are things going in Peace River?

    Well, I’m doing really good. I consider myself really lucky to have my host family, since they treat me as one more of the family and are really nice and open; I feel like I can talk to them if there is something wrong or to ask for help. I find North Peace Secondary really […]

  • My year at North Peace Secondary School

    It is already 10 months that I have lived in Fort St John, BC and I attend North Peace Secondary School in Grade 12. Fort St John, is a very active city and I think you can find something to do every night like in different places; even if it is not a big city like […]

  • My Year in Fort St John!

    I like it here very much and my host family is awesome,  I am very happy to got this family  (: I met here some very good friends,  from all over the world and Fort St. John. In winter time, you can try a lot of sports, like skiing, ice skating… Or you can watch […]

  • My First Semester has been Great!

      I am Steven Zhou from Hong Kong and I am studying in North Peace Secondary School in Fort St. John, Canada. I am going to take 2 years to stay here and get to university after that. This is the first year that I had my first Christmas vacation here, I went to a […]

  • My first birthday in Canada!

    November 25, I spent my first birthday somewhere else than in Finland. I’m not used to have a real celebration on my birthday, so this year was totally different. The day before we had a family dinner and the whole family was at my house eating cake and having a good time. On my actual […]

  • Outdoor Education

        Our first trip was a hiking trip. It was cool and at the way back I saw a black bear.  I built a tepee for my first project. and I think I did a very good job. Then we went on  the canoeing trip. It was very fun. We learned to  canoe and  how […]

  • Basketball at NPSS

      Last weekend, we went to Grand Prairie to play basketball. In these few days, our team was  together all the time. My teammates are very nice and funny. We had played three games in this tournament. We won every games. I am having a lot of fun and improving all the time.   Jake

  • Student Testimonials

      Students describe their experiences in School District #60.    

  • Student Testimonials

    Students describe how they are enjoying learning in Peace River North.