Hosting Information

Who makes a great homestay family?
Good hosts are as varied as the human race. They can be couples with children, young and old; empty nesters; or single moms and dads. Their homes are downtown apartments or suburban bungalows; their professions might include school teachers, doctors, shop owners, artists, musicians, and many more! The common denominator among all these differences is the gift of hospitality, and a natural curiosity and interest in other people and points of view. Being a great host requires a sensitive and patient family. It can be overwhelming for a student to be so far away from home. A thoughtful host family appreciates that each student is unique and that communication and mutual understanding take effort. Our hosts are interested in sharing their lifestyle in a positive and mutually rewarding way. We do not accept host applicants who are interested in money alone. These motives are obvious to students, and interfere with the intended homestay experience: a safe, secure, welcoming environment to learn and grow in.

How do you select the student that you introduce to us?
We maintain a database of diverse host families. They tell us their interests, lifestyles, hobbies, preferred hosting relationships, and even dietary restrictions. When students and visitors apply to our programs, they complete similar profiles. With this information, we are able to match the student to a host family for a mutually enjoyable relationship.

What are hosts expected to provide to students?
A private bedroom, desk and closet
Nutritious meals, 3 per day, every day (meal plans vary)
A patient, caring, and friendly home atmosphere
The same guidance and attention you would want for one of your loved ones travelling overseas!

When will we be able to host our first student?
Because we are so careful to make the best matches possible, it is impossible to predict when you will be matched with a student. After all, there is no way to know when a student who matches your profile will apply. However, there are certain peak times of year when we receive the greatest number of applications. September and January are important intake months for long-term (typically 5 to 10 months) high school students.